UPAC Cinema


Initial Approval: 11/12/1989
Revised: 11/15/1991
Revised: 03/29/2007
Revised: 11/06/2018

Subcommittee Purpose

UPAC Cinema is a subcommittee of the Union Programs and Activities Committee of the Executive Board of the Rensselaer Union. The purpose of UPAC Cinema is threefold. First, UPAC Cinema provides entertainment to the Rensselaer community in the form of motion picture entertainment. Second, UPAC Cinema offers students the opportunity to run a professional-level theater. This includes opportunities in leadership, teamwork, and interacting with industry professionals. Third, UPAC Cinema provides services for other Rensselaer organizations. These include the chance for clubs to advertise themselves, to generate revenue, and to show films during their events.

UPAC Cinema Officers


The Chairperson is the highest ranking position in UPAC Cinema. They are in charge of the daily operation of the subcommittee and they hold absolute authority over all matters pertaining to UPAC Cinema.

The Chairperson is responsible for maintaining official communication with Rensselaer, the Rensselaer Union Administration, and any contact with outside companies. In the event that the Chairperson is not on campus, all in-person communication with the above mentioned groups is delegated to the Head Coordinator.

The Chairperson is responsible for obtaining and managing all appropriate information from the film distribution companies. This includes any special deals being offered, prescreening opportunities, and similarly associated events. They are also responsible for finalizing the half-semester schedule and ordering films and posters for the movies chosen by the Coordinators. Attendance reports are to be returned to film companies by the Chairperson as necessary.

Fiscal responsibilities of the Chairperson include the following:
  1. Understand and ensure all Rensselaer Union fiscal policies are followed
  2. Approve bills and turn in to the administration office for processing
  3. Arrange for purchase orders, check requests, etc. as necessary
  4. Maintain copies of all transactions and up-to-date financial records
  5. Review yearly budget and expense reports and compare to financial records
  6. Initiate account transfers as necessary
  7. Prepare the budget for the following year
All remaining responsibilities delegated to the Chairperson are as follows:
  1. Reserve DCC 308 for all films, meetings, and training sessions
  2. Attend and preside over all UPAC Cinema meetings. The only exception is when prevented from doing so by work and/or school responsibilities. This exception must be presented to the Head Coordinator prior to the meeting to be missed. It is the responsibility of the officer to keep apprised of all issues raised at the meeting missed
  3. Order or obtain supplies not related to film projection (staples for posters, tape, etc.)
  4. Archive attendance reports
  5. Advance the goals and objectives of UPAC Cinema by maintaining strategic planning and vision
  6. Advance the goals and objectives of UPAC Cinema by maintaining strategic planning and vision
  7. Maintain good communication with the UPAC Cinema SARP, the Rensselaer Union, film distributors, the Coordinators, the Webmaster, the Publicist, and the Head Qualified Projectionist (HQP)
  8. Maintain healthy communication with the UPAC General Committee by regularly contacting the P-Board Chairperson, attending UPAC General meetings, or some other line of contact
  9. In the event of a tie during the vote for HQP or Chairperson, the current Chairperson will be required to cast the tie breaking vote
  10. Assume or delegate any duties that are not assigned to another position
  11. Keep the key list in Public Safety up-to-date
  12. Initiate disciplinary action against any member delinquent in their elected or appointed duties
  13. Train the newly elected Chairperson in the week(s) following the election
  14. Coordinate any prescreening showings or other special events. If they cannot, the Head Coordinator is expected to do so

Coordinator Committee

Head Coordinator

The Head Coordinator is responsible for choosing the Friday Night Film Series (Pop Films). This means that they select all of the Friday movies that will be shown per half, the total number of which is determined by the Chairperson.

Specific duties of the Head Coordinator include:
  1. Tracking UPAC Cinema membership
  2. Assisting the Chairperson with organizing the poster lottery
  3. Advise/assist the Club Coordinator with concessions handled by sponsoring clubs
  4. Coordinate any prescreening showings or special events the Chairperson is unavailable to coordinate for

Club Coordinator

The Club Coordinator is responsible for all collaborative Club films and the Saturday Night Film Series, the total number of which is determined by the Chairperson. This implies that they must solicit other Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute clubs to sponsor and provide manpower for the chosen film. Commonly, this is achieved by using the officer email lists available through cooperation with the Union Administration Office. The Club Coordinator is also responsible for developing a standard contract that delineates the rights and responsibilities of UPAC Cinema and the sponsoring group relating to the sponsorship of a film.

If more clubs request films than there are dates available, the priority of selection is as follows:
  1. Union sponsored clubs
  2. Non-union sponsored clubs
  3. Other Rensselaer organizations
  4. Students/Faculty/Staff
  5. Other groups
If two or more clubs fit into the same tier of priority, preference is given to clubs that have not sponsored a film within that last year. If there is still conflict after this first criteria, the sponsoring club is chosen on a first come first served basis by the Club Coordinator.

The Club Coordinator schedules the clubs, assists them in film selection, and obtains the signed contract delineating all terms of agreement. For film selection, the Club Coordinator, with the assistance of the Chairperson, must take into account availability and budget. If the club wants to sell concessions, the Club Coordinator must provide advice concerning requirements (some of which are included in the contract) and appropriate products.

If the club assigned to a particular night cannot or does not attend, it is the responsibility of the Club Coordinator to notify the Chairperson and the UPAC Cinema general body to ensure that enough people attend to staff the movie. The consequences of a club cancellation are laid out in the Club Contract.

In the event that not enough clubs or organizations sponsor the number of movies delegated to the Club Coordinator, the Club Coordinator will select their own movies that are in accordance with the Saturday Night Film Series.

Midweek Coordinator

The Midweek Coordinator is responsible for the Midweek Film Series. They must submit a list of selected films to the Chairperson twice a semester, the total number of which is determined by the Chairperson. The choices should be mainstream and new classic films that would have been chosen for the Friday Night Film Series in the past. The films should strike a balance between films the Midweek Coordinator would like to show and films that would benefit UPAC Cinema and the Rensselaer Community.

Repertory Coordinator

The Repertory Coordinator is responsible for the Repertory Film Series. They must submit a list of selected films to the Chairperson twice a semester, the total number of which is determined by the Chairperson. The films should be lesser-known films, such as cult, foreign, or independent films. The films should strike a balance between films the Repertory Coordinator would like to show and films that would benefit UPAC Cinema and the Rensselaer Community.

Coordinator Duties

In addition to jobs described above, the coordinators are expected to perform the following described duties. Once all of the movie selections are submitted and the Chairperson finalizes the half-semester schedule, the coordinators must decide who will coordinate each movie. This is to be completed via a meeting or some other communication agreed upon by the committee. Any coordinator may work any night as long as the final schedule of work is satisfactory to the committee. The only exception to this is that the Club Coordinator must coordinate on the nights of club sponsored films since they are the primary point of contact for sponsoring organizations.

During the night of a film, the scheduled coordinator is in charge of and has authority over anyone else present (including the Chairperson), except the film’s Projectionist in matters relating to the projection of the film. The coordinator directs and assists the working members to ensure a successful night. The scheduled coordinator is the final authority concerning any disputes or situations that may arise and is responsible for contacting appropriate persons if required, excepting any Projectionist matter, which should be handled by the working Qualified Projectionist (QP). The coordinator should only intervene in these matters if asked by the working QP, or if the working QP is incapacitated for any reason. The coordinator is also responsible for enforcing all Rensselaer, Union, and UPAC Cinema policies.

Before the night of the film they are scheduled to work, the coordinator is responsible for the following:
  1. Obtaining the money bag with starting cash from the Rensselaer Union Administration Office and obtain change as necessary. The bag must be for the type of film they are working and should obtained multiple days in advance of the showing.
  2. Ordering food for the night of the film, ensuring that the cost of the food fits within the limits imposed by the budget.
On and during the night of the film they are scheduled to work, the coordinator is responsible for the following:
  1. Preparing the tickets and the attendance reports for the night
  2. Securing the doors to the theater and take note of the general building conditions, reporting any problems to Public Safety
At the end of and after the night of the film they are scheduled to work, the coordinator is responsible the following:
  1. Overseeing and assisting in cleanup of all areas used by UPAC Cinema during the night including: Ensuring all tables and chairs are returned to their proper places, DCC 308 and the DCC lobby area is clean and free of any trash, and Returning remaining concessions to their proper location within the UPAC Cinema Booth
  2. Finalizing the attendance and financial reports
  3. Filing the attendance report
  4. Locking all opened cabinets and the booth once everything is properly stowed away and everyone is out
  5. Unlocking all of the doors to DCC 308 that were locked for the film
  6. Closing the outer doors of the DCC
  7. Depositing the proceeds of the night and starting cash in the Rensselaer Union Administration Office by the start of the next business day
The other responsibilities of the officers comprising Coordinator Committee include:
  1. Attending all UPAC Cinema meetings. The only exception is when prevented from doing so by work and/or school responsibilities. This exception must be presented to the Chairperson prior to the meeting to be missed. It is the responsibility of the officer to keep apprised of all issues raised at the meeting missed.
  2. Practicing good communication with the Chairperson, Projectionists, and the UPAC Cinema SARP
  3. Training the newly elected coordinators in the week(s) following the election

Temporary Replacements

If any of the movie coordinators need to leave during part of a night they are scheduled to coordinate, they must appoint a temporary replacement and notify the Chairperson and that evening’s QP, and in the case of the Club Coordinator the club contact should also be notified. If for some reason a coordinator cannot attend a night they had previously been scheduled to coordinate, it is that coordinator’s responsibility to find a replacement officer or other qualified member to fill in, get approval from the Chairperson, and announce the replacement at the general meeting prior to the night, and in the case of the Club Coordinator also notify the sponsoring club contact.

If the scheduled coordinator discovers or is informed that the assigned QP for the night cannot attend, they must contact the active QPs to ensure a new one has been or gets assigned.


The Webmaster is responsible for the creation and distribution of all website and social media materials publicizing UPAC Cinema. These duties include, but are not limited to:
  1. Maintaining the UPAC Cinema Website
  2. Keeping the UPAC Cinema website up-to-date with the current schedule, officers, and policies
  3. Ensuring all UPAC Cinema events are properly publicized on social media
  4. Ensuring all upcoming UPAC Cinema events are posted on the website each half
  5. Practicing good communication with the Chairperson, any delegates, and any contacts used to create or distribute advertising information


The Publicist is responsible for the creation and distribution of all materials publicizing UPAC Cinema. These duties include, but are not limited to:
  1. Creating semi-semesterly schedules
  2. Ensuring the disbursement of semi-semesterly schedules at all UPAC Cinema events
  3. Creating weekly posters advertising upcoming UPAC Cinema events
  4. Hanging weekly posters on all Campus Notice boards
  5. Ensuring all appropriate campus publications are aware of the schedule, including times and prices
  6. Practicing good communication with the Chairperson, any delegates, and any contacts used to create or distribute advertising information
The Publicist may, at their discretion, delegate the tasks of postering. The Chairperson must approve all delegations and additional benefits for the member who will be performing the task.

Head Qualified Projectionist

The Head Qualified Projectionist (HQP) is an active QP and is the representative of all active QPs for any matters related to the projection of films. The HQP is elected by their fellow QPs and in the result of a tie, the Chairperson must break the tie. These duties include, but are not limited to:
  1. Scheduling the Projectionists for all Friday, Saturday, and special films
  2. Notifying and work with the Chairperson to order all necessary equipment and supplies to ensure proper projection of all films
  3. Working with the Chairperson to arrange for the technician to fix and/or check the projection equipment
  4. Keeping an up-to-date list of all active QP contact information in a known and accessible location in the projection booth
  5. Practicing good communication with the Chairperson, all Projectionists, and the Coordinators

Qualified Projectionist with Officer Status

In order to have officer status, a Projectionist must be an active Qualified Projectionist as defined by the Members section of these bylaws, with the following additional requirements:
  1. Work at the same frequency as is required for general members at least once a month or at least three times a semester. Work includes, but is not limited to, projecting or working films
  2. Attend all UPAC Cinema meetings


An officer actively fulfilling the requirements of their position receives the following benefits:
  1. One free ticket for themselves to every film they are not working
  2. One additional free ticket for a guest to each film
  3. Free food on film nights during which he/she works at least one show and food is provided
  4. Discount on all concessions while working
  5. Entrance to the first round of the poster lottery


All recognized UPAC Cinema officer positions are of equal rank and standing. The only exceptions are for matters relating to the absence, removal, or election of the Chairperson. In these matters, the chain of command is as follows:
  1. Chairperson
  2. Head Coordinator
  3. Club Coordinator
  4. Midweek Coordinator
  5. Repertory Coordinator
  6. Head Qualified Projectionist
  7. Publicist
  8. Webmaster
  9. Qualified Projectionists with Officer Status, by length of service
In the event that the club no longer has any active officers, the UPAC Cinema advisor appoints a new Chairperson.

Issues and Disputes

To reduce ambiguity in position during any UPAC Cinema event, all officers, with exception of those that have specific responsibilities for that event, are to be considered general members in all matters of responsibility and authority.

All of the UPAC Cinema Officers may face disciplinary action, impeachment, and/or removal from office if they fail to perform the duties of their respective positions.


General Member

A “general member” of UPAC Cinema is a member who does not hold a recognized UPAC Cinema officer position. To be considered an active member of UPAC Cinema, the member must be actively working towards completion of the UPAC Cinema membership requirements as delineated by UPAC Cinema at the start of each semester. A member may face disciplinary action if he/she fails to perform the duties of the position.

Qualified Projectionist

A Qualified Projectionist is a member of UPAC Cinema who has qualified to operate the projection equipment and to run a film independently. To be considered an active QP, the projectionist must have projected a film within the previous semester or be scheduled to project a film in the current semester.

Prior to the first show on a film's scheduled night, the film's Projectionist runs one preview. The Projectionist takes note of any issues with the film and/or projection equipment. The Projectionist ensures that the projection booth and theater are clean and locked, as necessary. Should the Projectionist discover that the film is unable to be shown, they must communicate this information to the chair and the appropriate coordinator.

On the night of the movie, the film's Projectionist must pick up the projection keys from Public Safety if they are not an officer and have their own set of keys. The film's Projectionist arrives at the theater within sufficient time (an hour) prior to the first scheduled show. The Projectionist prepares the film and projection booth to ensure proper showing of the film.

Regarding the power of the Projectionist during the movie, the film's Projectionist is in charge of and has authority over all matters relating to the projection of the film. The film's Projectionist shows the film, and can be assisted by any Projectionists-in-Training (PITs). The film's Projectionist is responsible for notifying the coordinator of any issues that will affect the showing of the film.

At the end of the night, the Projectionist prepares the film to be transported by the Film Runner. The film's Projectionist ensures that the booth and all necessary equipment is clean. The film's Projectionist is responsible for communicating with the coordinator to ensure that the projection booth is locked. The film's Projectionist must return the projection keys to Public Safety immediately following the last show of the night, if necessary.

A QP must also trains PITs in the operation of all UPAC Cinema projection equipment and in methods of properly running a UPAC Cinema film. A QP trains PITs to deal with all issues that could arise in showing a film. All QPs must practice good communication with all other QPs, the Chairperson, the Coordinators, and PITs.

Projectionist in Training

A Projectionist-in-Training (PIT) is a member of UPAC Cinema who is actively training to become a QP under the direction of one or more active QPs.


Members that have fulfilled the requirements delineated under the general member section receive the following benefits:
  1. One free ticket for themselves every Saturday, Friday, and Non Club-Sponsored film they are not working
  2. Free food on film nights during which they works at least two shows and food is provided
  3. Discount on all concessions while working
  4. Entrance to the poster lottery (excluding the first round) if the working requirement for the semester is completed



The election of the UPAC Cinema Chairperson is conducted by the current Head Coordinator near the end of the fall semester. Nominations for Chairperson are held at a properly advertised meeting at least three weeks prior to the end of the fall semester. Any attending active member can nominate any other active member of UPAC Cinema. No member can nominate themselves. In order to be considered for election, the nomination must be seconded. Any nominee may decline the nomination.

At the following properly advertised meeting, the election for UPAC Cinema Chairperson will be conducted by the current Head Coordinator. Each candidate will be given time to speak while the other candidates wait outside of the election room. The candidates will then all wait outside of the election room to allow the remaining members to hold a discussion. At the conclusion of the discussion, the current recognized UPAC Cinema officers vote for a candidate. A candidate wins the election via a simple majority. The current recognized Head Coordinator announces the results to all attending UPAC Cinema members. The Chair-elect shall take office at the start of the following spring semester.

In the event that the current Head Coordinator is one of the candidates for Chairperson, the next highest ranking officer, as described in the officer section, that is not also a candidate will conduct the election of the next Chairperson.

Coordinators, Webmaster, and Publicist

Near the end of each semester, the current Chairperson (not the Chair-elect), conducts the election of the remaining UPAC Cinema officers. Nominations for each position are held immediately following the election of Chair at a properly advertised meeting at least two weeks prior to the end of the semester. Any attending active member can nominate any other active member of UPAC Cinema. No member can nominate themselves. In order to be considered for election, the nomination must be seconded. Any nominee may decline the nomination.

At the following properly advertised meeting, the current UPAC Cinema Chairperson will conduct the election of each office. For each office, the same process for electing the Chairperson will take place. Each candidate will be given time to speak while the other candidates wait outside of the election room. The candidates will then all wait outside of the election room to allow the remaining members to hold a discussion. At the conclusion of the discussion, the attending UPAC Cinema active members vote for a candidate. A candidate wins the election via a simple majority. The Chairperson announces the results to all attending UPAC Cinema members. Each officer-elect shall take office at the start of the following semester.

Head Qualified Projectionist

Near the end of each fall semester, at a meeting of all available active QPs, a Head QP is chosen based on a simple majority vote of the available active QPs. If election is a tie, the Chair-elect must break the tie. The HQP-elect shall take office at the start of the following semester.

Filling Vacancies

If any position becomes vacant, nominations for a replacement will be held at the first regular meeting following the date of vacancy. The election will take place no more than one week following the nominations. All vacancies are governed by the election and voting requirements as stated above. During the period of vacancy, the Chairperson shall assume or delegate to a qualified UPAC Cinema member all duties of the vacated position.



General UPAC Cinema meetings are held to keep all members informed of any Cinema related issues and events. The Chairperson holds meetings on a regular basis. The Chairperson announces the meeting schedule to all UPAC Cinema members and announces any changes to this schedule. All officers must attend as delineated in the Officers Section of these bylaws. General members are encouraged, but not required to attend meetings. General meetings are open to all members of the Rensselaer community.


Election meetings are held towards the end of each semester and as necessary due to a vacancy in an officer position. The Chairperson announces all election meetings. They are run in accordance with the proceedings laid out in the Elections Section of these bylaws. Election meetings are open to all members of the Rensselaer community, though only active UPAC Cinema members may vote as stated in the Elections Section of these bylaws.

Poster Lottery

The poster lottery is held at the last general meeting of each semester. All posters collected during the semester are distributed amongst all active UPAC Cinema members who have met their membership requirement. The Chairperson and Coordinator Committee determine this. The lottery is conducted as a series of rounds. Each round is a random drawing of participating members' IDs. The order of rounds is as follows:
  1. All recognized UPAC Cinema officers.
  2. All active UPAC Cinema general members.
  3. All active UPAC Cinema members.
  4. Repeat 3 until no posters remain or no members wish to remain in the lottery.

Qualified Projectionist

Meetings of Qualified Projectionists are called and run by the HQP. QP meetings are open to all Qualified Projectionists and Projectionists-in-Training. QP meetings are closed to PITs only in circumstances in which qualification testing is the topic of the meeting.

Special Meetings

Special meetings are held when there are topics to be discussed before the next scheduled general meeting. Special meetings are open to all UPAC Cinema members. These meetings are called and run by the Chairperson, except when the purpose of the meeting is disciplinary action against the Chairperson. In this circumstance, the role follows the chain of command as delineated in the Officers Section of these bylaws. Purposes include, but are not limited to, the following cases:
  1. Disciplinary action against any officer
  2. Filling officer vacancies




The Darrin Communications Center policy prohibits the possession or consumption of alcohol in the building without a permit from the Dean of Students Office. As such, UPAC Cinema is responsible for enforcing this policy at all times during which UPAC Cinema has any area reserved. All alcohol brought into the building by patrons must be confiscated and disposed of properly.

All members of UPAC Cinema attending a UPAC Cinema event must be sober at all times. Any working UPAC Cinema member must confiscate any alcohol they find or notify another member with the proper authority to do so. In all other cases, the UPAC Cinema member must notify a member with the proper authority.


Rensselaer grants use of any facilities used by UPAC Cinema as a privilege, not a right. As such, it is the responsibility of UPAC Cinema to ensure that all areas are kept clean and undamaged. Any UPAC Cinema member must report any defacement or damage of the facilities to the appropriate authorities.

Policy Conflict

In the event that these bylaws come in conflict with any Rensselaer Union or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute rule or standard, then the bylaws will be superseded by that rule or standard.

UPAC Cinema


General UPAC Cinema meetings will be held on a regular basis, as determined and announced by the Chairperson at the start of each semester. The Chairperson must announce any changes in the schedule, giving sufficient notice of the change. The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings. In the absence of the Chairperson, running of the meeting shall follow the chain of command as delineated in the Officers Section of these bylaws.


Working includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks:
  1. Selling tickets for one show
  2. Selling concessions for one show
  3. Ripping tickets for one show
  4. Doing security for one show
  5. Performing any job in sections 2 and 3 with approval of necessary personnel


Tickets sold at any UPAC Cinema event are valid for the film and time specified at time of purchase. Tickets can only be sold on the evening of the scheduled film. In the event a refund must be given, a free pass to another show may be given in lieu of cash. The appropriate coordinator has the final authority concerning any exchanges and refunds.



Only UPAC Cinema Qualified Projectionist may operate the UPAC Cinema projection equipment. A Projectionist-in-Training may operate the equipment under the supervision and direction of a UPAC Cinema Qualified Projectionist. All UPAC Cinema projection equipment must be kept clean and in good working order. Any defects or damages must be reported to the Head QP.


In order to become a UPAC Cinema Qualified Projectionist, one must be qualified to use the UPAC Cinema projection equipment by the current active QPs. The qualification process must be a standard procedure decided upon by the current active QPs.

Any non-active QP must complete an abridged re-qualification procedure in order to regain active status. The re-qualification process must be agreed upon and administered by the current active QPs.


As previews are an advertised benefit to the members of UPAC Cinema, the film's Projectionist must provide sufficient notice of the time of all previews. The film's Projectionist has the authority to remove any member who is causing a distraction or disruption to the QP's ability to properly preview the film or train any PITs.

Disciplinary Action


Disciplinary action may be called against the Chairperson if they fail to perform the duties of the position. A petition detailing the failure and a suggested action to be taken must be signed by two-thirds of the recognized UPAC Cinema officers and one-half of the active UPAC Cinema general members. The completed petition must be presented to the highest-ranking officer below the Chairperson as delineated by the chain of command delineated in the Officers Section of these bylaws. The accepting officer immediately notifies the Chairperson, supplying them with a full copy of the petition. A special disciplinary meeting is properly advertised by the accepting officer.

At this meeting, any member may speak on either side of any aspect of the complaint. The accepting officer moderates the discussion. Upon completion of the discussion, a vote is taken to enact the suggested action or an agreed upon alternate action. For this vote to succeed, two-thirds of the active attending members must vote in the affirmative. Any action affirmatively voted upon is invoked immediately.

Other Officers

Disciplinary action may be called against any recognized officer if they fails to perform the duties of the position. A petition detailing the failure and a suggested action to be taken must be signed by one-half of the recognized UPAC Cinema officers or two-thirds of the active UPAC Cinema general members. The completed petition must be presented to the Chairperson. The Chairperson immediately notifies the officer specified in the petition, supplying him/her with a full copy of the petition. A special disciplinary meeting is properly advertised by the Chairperson.

At this meeting, any member may speak on either side of any aspect of the complaint. The Chairperson moderates the discussion. Upon completion of the discussion, a vote is taken to enact the suggested action or an agreed upon alternate action. For this vote to succeed, two-thirds of the active attending members must vote in the affirmative. Any action affirmatively voted upon is invoked immediately.


Disciplinary action may be called against any UPAC Cinema member if he/she fails to perform the requirements and responsibilities of membership. A petition detailing the failure and a suggested action to be taken must be signed by one-half of the recognized UPAC Cinema officers or one-half of the active UPAC Cinema general members. The completed petition must be presented to the Chair. The Chair immediately notifies the member specified in the petition, supplying him/her with a full copy of the petition. A special disciplinary meeting is properly advertised by the Chair.

At this meeting, any member may speak on either side of any aspect of the complaint. The Chair moderates the discussion. Upon completion of the discussion, a vote is taken to enact the suggested action or an agreed upon alternate action. For this vote to succeed, two-thirds of the active attending members must vote in the affirmative. Any action affirmatively voted upon is invoked immediately.

Qualified Projectionists

Regarding to Qualification Status

If a QP fails to perform his/her duties in regards to the projection of a film, he/she is subject to disciplinary action by the current active QPs. The Head QP, or a majority of the current active QPs if the Head QP is the QP in question, initiates this action. The procedure is as follows:
  1. The QP in question is made aware of the problem and ordered to repair it. This stage may be bypassed in the case of a severe delinquency.
  2. The qualified status of the QP in question is suspended for a specified period of time. At the end of this time, the QP in question is re-qualified in accordance with the proceedings laid out in the Meetings Section of these bylaws.
  3. The qualification status of the QP in question is permanently removed. The qualification status can only be re-obtained by successfully completing the entire qualification process.

Other Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action in matters concerning a QP's officer status follows the procedure delineated in the Disciplinary Action against Other Officer Section of these bylaws. Disciplinary action in matters concerning a QP's membership status follows the procedure delineated in the Disciplinary Action against Members Section of these bylaws.

Ratification and Amendments

These bylaws become effective immediately upon ratification by a two-thirds majority of all active members present at a properly advertised meeting.

If it becomes necessary that any part of the bylaws be changed, or that additions be made, a two-thirds majority of active members present at a properly advertised meeting.

Terms and Definitions

  1. Booth: room containing the UPAC Cinema projection equipment.
  2. Cinema Saturday: A film in the Saturday Night Film Series that does not have a sponsoring club.
  3. Club Films: Special events arranged between UPAC Cinema and another Rensselaer club on a night other than Saturday.
  4. DCC: Darrin Communications Center or Darrin Hall
  5. Depositing Proceeds: either depositing the proceeds in the specified night deposit box(es) or giving directly to the Rensselaer Union Finance Coordinator.
  6. Friday Night Film Series:
  7. Key List: a listing of UPAC Cinema members who are allowed access to the keys that are necessary for projecting a UPAC Cinema film. These keys and the list are kept at Public Safety.
  8. Member: all officers and non-officers of UPAC Cinema.
  9. Night: The night begins when the either the Coordinator or Film’s Projectionist first starts setting up. This time period encompasses: preparing for a UPAC Cinema event; one or more shows; and cleanup and breakdown of all areas used by UPAC Cinema. The night ends when either the Coordinator or Film’s Projectionist last completes their tasks.
  10. Official Communication: communication with any party outside of UPAC Cinema.
  11. Properly Advertised Meeting: a meeting that is announced using every reasonable effort to contact all UPAC Cinema members and gives sufficient time to ensure all members are aware of the notice.
  12. Saturday Night Film Series:
  13. Show: The time period encompassing: the setup for one complete projection of the movie; one complete projection of the movie; and the cleanup for that projection of the movie.
  14. Showing of A Film: The time period encompassing the preview and one or more nights. The showing of a film ends with the breakdown of the film to be returned to the distributor.
  15. Theater: room containing the screen and seats.
  16. UPAC: Union Programs and Activities Committee
  17. UPAC Cinema Advisor: A member of the Rensselaer Union Administrative staff who acts as the liaison between UPAC Cinema and the Rensselaer Union.